Sustainability for Downstream Partners

Gain insights throughout your entire supply chain.


Positioned for the Future

Producers and processors are being asked to provide more product at a higher quality while the challenges of farming continually increase, constricting the supply chain. Soiltech can help you gain more insight into your raw product as it develops, gets harvested, and moves into storage, giving you the insights needed to maintain corporate responsibility and brand reputation. With farmers in your network being the key to solving some of the world’s biggest problems, we will help you showcase the areas of impact those farmers are having on your business and the community.


Optimize Inputs

Water stewardship, soil health, and nutrient management are inextricably linked. When you begin to optimize your water, there’s potential to decrease nutrient leaching and reduce the potential for runoff and contamination to the surrounding environment, restoring native biodiversity, and increasing the vitality of the soil. The Soiltech Solution helps measure this resource information throughout the entire supply chain giving you the ability to reduce the impact of your logistics network.

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Empower Decisions

Connecting people and technology isn’t without it’s challenges. But with the ability to deliver data anytime, anywhere, you stay connected to whats important, no matter what. The Soiltech Solution provides you with the data-driven insights needed to drive change within food systems and within the communities you serve.

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Increase Integration

Provide growers, advisors, researchers, and downstream supply chain partners with critical insights, enabling profitable decisions and collaboration at all levels of the agricultural supply chain. Simplify decisions through data-driven conversations and track your product along it’s journey from seed to shelf, unlocking previously hidden value, and maintaining total pipeline visibility.


Economic Efficiency

By supporting growers that follow sustainable farming practices, you build a relationship of respect and recognition with your suppliers. The Soiltech Solution helps measure, track, and report a supplier’s scope 3 emissions. These insights show results that back up the efficacy of your brand, staying relevant with your customers and allowing them to meet their sustainability goals.

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Alignment with ESG Goals


  • Combat climate change
  • Diminish biodiversity loss
  • Combat desertification and deforestation
  • Mitigate land degradation
  • Promote sustainable water use


  • Health and safety
  • Responsible supply chains
  • Sustainable production 
  • Improved food nutrition
  • Food security


  • Risk management
  • Data security
  • Accountability
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Collaborative decision making

Alignment with the UN Sustainability Development Goals

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End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.

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Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.

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Take sustainable consumtion and production patterns.

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Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.

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Soiltech was founded with the mission of helping growers improve crop production by providing real-time insights through wireless monitoring. We are steadfastly focused on keeping farmers in business for generations to come.

As a downstream partner you benefit from growers building a strong resilient business. Soiltech empowers you to better support them while making your business more sustainable.